Kinoya Waste Water Project
Kinoya Waste Water Project

Project Snapshot
Kahuto Pacific was contracted by Scope Pacific Engineers to carry out a LiDAR and Photogrammetry survey over the Kinoya Waste Water Treatment plant in Suva. As they were planning for infrastructure upgrade, they needed to clearly identify existing structures, pipelines, drainages, fence lines and roads to plan accordingly.
Client – SCOPE Pacific Ltd
Scope of Project
The team were tasked to provide Digital Terrain Models, Orthomosaic maps and contours of the site. Also to help make life easier in identifying existing structures we proposed providing planimetrics/as-built drawings of the features.

Weather permitting, it was mostly a day’s work. Consist of 2 LiDAR and 2 Photogrammetry flights. From the data captured our team were able to easily identify features hidden under canopy such as drains and smaller road tracks. This enables the team to provide the client with accurate feature extractions. The team then provided CAD ready outputs to help engineers easily navigate with their software.
As Suva is known for its wet and rainy days, this was mostly the challenge. As we needed a good dry and sunny day to fly and most importantly for the LiDAR data capture. Due to ongoing precipitation we needed to wait out for the surfaces to dry out at least before flying. Which in due time it did.